Top 10 Tips For Rubbish Recycling at Home

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Top 10 Tips For Rubbish Recycling at Home

Thanks to the recent surge and outcry surrounding climate change and pollution, people are becoming more conscious of their actions and how it affects the environment. We all need to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint, including how we dispose of rubbish in the home.  Recycling can seem daunting, but with these ten handy tips from Pro Rubbish Removals you’ll be a recycling pro in no time. We must all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint, including how we dispose of garbage at home.

1. Swap old items 

The home is the perfect location where old items pile up without check. Most times, you will stumble across old items you haven’t used in a while. When you discover such items, don’t throw them into the garbage bin. Instead, swap them for new ones. Alternatively, you can donate or sell them to a local store. If you want to donate an item, make sure it is in excellent condition. In other words, repair dents, replace buttons and do all you can to make sure it is worthy of giving out to a new person. If you want, you can sell it to make extra money. The idea is to repurpose an old item without necessarily disposing of it in a landfill.

2. Buy second hand items 

Don’t spend more money on new items. When you buy more, you will add to your list of clutter and spend more. Instead, buy second-hand items. Since these items used to belong to someone, you will be doing them a favour by buying them and ensuring they don’t end up in the landfill. It will be your way of supporting recycled products.

3. Upcycle 

Upcycling is the process of creatively transforming old items you no longer need into something functional. Put differently, it is repurposing old items and putting them to new use. For example, you can transform an old curtain into a dress, or repurpose a cloth into something as simple as a cleaning rag. When you finish using items that come in jars and containers, don’t throw them out. Instead, repurpose and use them for storing goods. For example, you can turn a milk jar into a vertical garden or a compost coop.

Waste Recycling

4. Recycle at special drop off points 

Electronics and large items can be challenging to recycle when they are at the end of their useful life. Nonetheless, some companies can still put them to good use. These companies use drop off points to collect materials for recycling. Therefore, you can drop your laptops, phones, and other items that can’t go into regular recycling bins and let them find a better use for them.

5. Don’t waste food 

Most foods end up in landfills. Therefore, do your bit to reduce the amount of food that ends up in the landfill. Some of the things you can do include:

  •  Practice first in first out to reduce the number of expired food in your home
  • Plan your meal to reduce wastage
  • Compost food and feed your soil with organic waste
  • Refrigerate food

6. Reduce plastic and disposables around the home 

Avoid buying foods or any other items wrapped in plastic. Also, avoid using plastic bags instead use a reusable one. Not just with groceries but with every other thing in your home. Avoid straws, plastic cutleries, takeaways, drink containers, packaged foods, and any other item that has a one-time use. Skip all single-use items altogether for reusables ones.

7. Conserve energy within the home 

Recycle energy in your home by insulating it to avoid heat loss. Consider wall and roof insulation, double glazing or roof insulation, sealing air leaks, adding curtains, and any other home improvement that reduces heat loss. Also, we recommend you switch off appliances when you are not using them and only use energy-efficient light bulbs in the home. Only run the dishwasher with a full load, carry out low-emission, and install a low-flow showerhead to conserve water.

8. Go paperless 

Reduce the amount of paper you use in the home since they mostly end up as trash. Instead of paper, switch to e-books and cancel some of your subscription services. If you can, switch to paperless billings.

Avoid Using Plastic Bags

9. Avoid oversized packages 

Excess packages add to the amount of waste you have to deal with in your home. Apart from this, don’t buy in excess if you can’t use everything before it expires. If you need to buy in bulk, shop with your bag and avoid too many disposables. Also, buy non-perishable items in bulk and not the perishable ones.

10. Use an entire produce

There are many ways to use fruits and vegetables in the home. For example, you can consume an orange, plant the seed, and use the peel to make an infusion, spirit, or zest. This way, you won’t need to discard any part of the product. Find practical applications for products and only dispose of them as a last resort.


You don’t need to wait for a special intervention before recycling. You can begin by making small lifestyle changes in your home.